A student driver practicing, avoiding common DMV test mistakes with Get Drivers Ed guidance.

12 Most Common DMV Driving Test Mistakes & Automatic Fails in Drivers Ed

Driving is a rite of passage, but before earning that license, every driver must pass the dreaded DMV driving test. Preparing with a drivers ed course is a smart move. Yet, even the best-prepared candidates make errors. Here at Get Drivers Ed, we've compiled a list of the 12 most common mistakes to help you avoid them.

  1. Not Checking Mirrors: Often overlooked but crucial, always check your mirrors frequently and before changing lanes or turning.

  1. Poor Speed Management: Too fast or too slow, both can be problematic. Stay within the speed limits and adjust according to traffic conditions.

  1. Not Yielding Right of Way: Understand when to yield and to whom, especially at intersections and pedestrian crossings.

  1. Incorrect Hand Positioning: Remember the 9 and 3 or 10 and 2 positions on the steering wheel.

  1. Not Signaling: Always use your indicators when changing lanes or turning. It’s a simple action but often forgotten.

  1. Bad Parking: Whether it’s parallel parking or bay parking, practice makes perfect. Don’t rush, and always ensure you're within the lines.

  1. Rolling Stops: At stop signs, make sure to come to a complete stop, look, then proceed when safe.

  1. Not Keeping a Safe Following Distance: Tailgating is dangerous. Always maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you.

  1. Distracted Driving: Avoid any distractions, like checking your phone. Focus is key.

  1. Improper Lane Changing: Always check your blind spots and signal before changing lanes.

  1. Not Being Familiar with the Vehicle: Know where the controls are—headlights, wipers, emergency signals, etc.

  1. Driving Under Influence: A major no-no and an automatic fail. Never drink and drive.

Your drivers ed course will help you navigate these challenges, but being aware of them is half the battle. At Get Drivers Ed, we emphasize these pitfalls to ensure our students have the best chance of success.

Ready to master the road? Register for online courses now at https://getdriversed.com/courses.


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