The SMITH System: Enhancing Driver Safety with Proven Techniques

Driving is a responsibility that requires both attention and skill. As new drivers embark on their journey to gain these skills, comprehensive training is vital. One of the most renowned systems to emerge in the field of driving education is the SMITH System. Introduced to elevate driver safety standards, the SMITH System has found its way into many drivers ed curriculums around the globe, including those at "Get Drivers Ed".

What is the SMITH System?

The SMITH System is a unique driving technique that aims to reduce traffic accidents by promoting safe driving habits. It consists of five key principles that provide drivers with strategies to tackle various driving scenarios. Whether you're a seasoned driver or you're just starting with your drivers ed, understanding and incorporating the SMITH System can be a game-changer.

The Five Principles of the SMITH System:

  1. Aim High in Steering: This principle advises drivers to look as far down the road as possible rather than focusing on just the vehicle ahead. By doing so, drivers can anticipate potential hazards earlier and react appropriately.

  1. Get the Big Picture: This is about maintaining situational awareness. By understanding what's happening around them, drivers can make better decisions. It's a crucial component taught in many drivers ed courses, including those at "Get Drivers Ed".

  1. Keep Your Eyes Moving: The road is dynamic, and situations can change rapidly. By constantly scanning the environment, drivers can spot potential threats and avoid them.

  1. Leave Yourself Out: Always have an escape route in mind. This principle emphasizes ensuring that there's always space around the vehicle, allowing a safe exit in unexpected circumstances.

  1. Make Sure They See You: This principle revolves around visibility. Whether it's using signals appropriately, maintaining lights, or making eye contact with other drivers, it's essential to ensure others on the road are aware of your presence.

Incorporating the SMITH System into Drivers Ed

The inclusion of the SMITH System in drivers ed programs has proven to enhance the safety and confidence of drivers, both new and experienced. "Get Drivers Ed" has recognized its significance and integrated it into our curriculum to ensure that our students are equipped with the best strategies to tackle the challenges of the road.

Join the Drive with Get Drivers Ed

If you're eager to embrace a driving education that prioritizes safety, understanding, and confidence, "Get Drivers Ed" is here for you. We're committed to offering top-notch drivers ed courses that are convenient and effective.

Dive into the world of driving with expert guidance. Register now for our online courses at and embark on a journey to becoming a skilled, responsible driver.


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