6 Tips That Can Make Learning How To Drive Easier

Surely it’s an easy thing to do – you simply sit in the driving seat and away you go! In reality, there’s a lot you need to take on board, and it won’t be a quick process. For example, you need to learn all the road rules. This is not only important for your own safety but also that of other drivers and pedestrians on public roads.

1 Use Practice Tests

There are many of these tests available online that you can take. They can help to reinforce the information that you have learned so far. They can reduce some of your test day nerves, so the sooner you practice the better. These tests are one of the best ways to prepare yourself for your final driving exam because they give you an idea of what questions might be asked by a DMV official on the day.

2. Find A Good Instructor

It’s highly recommended that you get plenty of driving lessons with a professional coach. Driving instructors often advertise themselves online and through flyers that they put up in local shops etc. Another good way to find driving lessons is through word of mouth, by asking friends, family members, or colleagues for recommendations. Make sure the instructor is fully qualified and has a relaxed and patient disposition. 

Some of the things they will teach you include how to do a three-point turn and drive in reverse. You will also learn how to overtake on multi-lane roads, as well as driving along the high street and areas you are unfamiliar with. A good driving instructor will make sure that you feel sufficiently skilled and confident before your test day arrives.

3. Create A Schedule

A disciplined approach can be the difference between success and failure. You’ll need to be organized over the time you spend with your practice tests and driving lessons. Come up with a schedule that you can follow, ensuring you have enough time to get everything done before the test date.

4. Keep Your Car In Good Condition

If you maintain your car well and book it in for regular services, it will be best-placed to serve you while you’re learning how to drive. It’s therefore important to make sure that your tires and brakes, etc. are ship-shape and safe to use. If they aren’t, the tires could go out or the car could lose control of the road.

Similarly, it could be highly dangerous if your brakes fail at a junction. Needless to say, you don’t want a car accident while going 80 mph on the freeway. Be sure to check your oil regularly to ensure the engine doesn’t seize up while you are driving.

5. Practice On A Simulator

A driving simulator is a machine that represents the interior of an automobile. It has controls and displays much like those in a regular car, but it cannot be driven anywhere. The practice environment provides drivers with infinite opportunities to learn, without paying for fuel or incurring damage or injury from collisions on public roads.

6. Practice With A Parent Or Friend In A Safe Environment

This can be a free and effective way to get some extra driving practice. Once again, this will give you an opportunity to learn at your own pace. You’ll have someone by your side to advise you and also to be there in case of emergencies. When it comes to letting a parent teach you, it’s important to understand the dynamics involved. If you clash with this person, or they become impatient and quickly annoyed, it’s better to get help from someone else. If the atmosphere is tense while you drive, you’ll be far less likely to progress.

Try finding an empty parking lot, or even use your neighborhood’s community center if it has its own parking area. Once you’ve found somewhere that is off-road and suitable, you should practice there for at least an hour each day. This will help you become more comfortable with driving, especially during the early stages of learning. Later on, you can progress onto highways and busy streets.


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