Escaping a Tornado While Driving: Tips to Stay Safe

Tornadoes, nature's fierce and unpredictable whirlwinds, can be terrifying, especially when you find yourself caught in one while driving. The sight of a funnel cloud on the horizon or the sound of its roaring winds can cause panic. However, by following some vital safety guidelines, you can enhance your chances of staying safe.

Let's explore what you should do if you encounter a tornado while on the road.

1. Stay Informed

  • Before heading out, especially during seasons or in areas prone to tornadoes, check weather forecasts and have a weather app or NOAA Weather Radio. Early warnings can make all the difference.

2. Avoid Overpasses and Bridges

Contrary to popular belief, seeking shelter under an overpass or bridge is risky. Tornado winds can accelerate under these structures, turning them into wind tunnels, and they could sweep you or your vehicle away.

3. Find Sturdy Shelter

If you see a tornado from a distance and there's time, try to find the nearest sturdy building. A basement or a tornado-safe room is ideal. If no building is available, lie flat in a ditch or low-lying area, covering your head with your arms.

4. Keep Distance

If the tornado is far away, you might be able to drive away from its path. Always move at right angles to the tornado. If it's moving from west to east, for example, drive towards the south or north.

5. Stay in the Car, If You Can't Escape

If the tornado is approaching rapidly and you're caught in the open with no nearby shelter, it's generally safer to stay in your car. Buckle your seatbelt, lower your head below window level, and cover yourself with a coat or blanket if available.

6. Avoid Trees and Debris

Flying debris is a significant threat during a tornado. If you're taking cover outside, find an open space away from trees and vehicles. Trees can be uprooted or snapped, and vehicles can be tossed around.

7. Stay Calm and Think Clearly

It's easy to say and hard to do, but panicking can compromise your judgment. Taking deep breaths and assessing the situation can help you make life-saving decisions.

While nature can be unpredictable, having knowledge and a plan can greatly increase your chances of safety during a tornado. Remember to always prioritize life over property. Safety should always be your first concern.

For those who are interested in being better equipped while driving, not just against tornadoes, but in every aspect of driving safety and competence, I highly recommend checking out the online courses at From beginner to advanced, there's something there for everyone. Register today and elevate your driving skills and safety knowledge!


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