Texas Traffic Tickets: Which Ones Can Be Dismissed?

Everything's bigger in Texas, from its vast landscapes to its vibrant cities. But one thing residents and visitors alike would prefer to keep small is the number of traffic tickets they receive. Fortunately, not all tickets in the Lone Star State carry long-lasting penalties. In fact, some can even be dismissed.

If you've recently been handed a ticket in Texas, you might be wondering whether your violation falls into the dismissible category. Here's a closer look.

Common Dismissible Traffic Tickets in Texas

  1. Expired Registration: If you receive a ticket for an expired registration, but you renew it within 20 days of the ticket date and show proof to the court, your ticket might be dismissed.

  2. Expired Driver’s License: Just like with registration, if you renew your expired driver's license within 20 days and present evidence of the renewal, there's a good chance your ticket will be dismissed.

  3. Faulty Equipment: Tickets for things like a broken taillight or malfunctioning blinker can often be dismissed, provided you fix the issue promptly and show proof of the repair.

  4. No Car Insurance: If you were ticketed for not having valid insurance but can prove that you were insured at the time of the violation, the ticket is typically dismissed. However, be prepared to present official documentation.

Defensive Driving Courses – A Path to Dismissal

Texas is one of many states that offer drivers the opportunity to have certain tickets dismissed by completing a defensive driving course. For many moving violations, if you haven’t taken a defensive driving course for ticket dismissal in the past 12 months and meet other eligibility criteria, you can request permission to complete a course for dismissal.

Keep in Mind

While the above scenarios offer hope for ticket dismissal, it's crucial to remember that each case is unique. Factors like your driving history, the specific court, or the nature of the violation can influence the outcome. Always consult with legal counsel or the presiding court to understand your options fully.

Stay Informed and Empowered

Whether you're seeking to dismiss a ticket or simply aiming to be a more knowledgeable and skilled driver, continued education is key. And there's no better place to level up your driving knowledge than at https://getdriversed.com/courses. From defensive driving techniques to updated road rules, our online courses have everything you need to navigate Texas roads safely and confidently. Register today and equip yourself with the knowledge that can not only keep you safer but also potentially save you from future traffic violations.


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