Cautionary Wildlife Crossing Sign on Road

Avoid Wildlife Hazards on Roads - Get Drivers Ed Expert Tips

Navigating Wildlife on Roads: Safe Driving Tips from Get Drivers Ed

Encountering animals on the road can be unexpected and dangerous. At Get Drivers Ed, we emphasize the importance of knowing how to safely navigate these situations in our drivers ed courses. Here are essential tips for avoiding animals while driving.

Tips for Avoiding Animals on the Roads

Stay Alert in Known Animal Crossing Zones: Be extra vigilant in areas marked with wildlife crossing signs or known to have high animal activity.

Use High Beams at Night: When driving at night in rural areas, use high beams to improve visibility, but be sure to dim them for oncoming traffic.

Don’t Swerve: If an animal is in your path, brake firmly but avoid swerving, as this can lead to loss of vehicle control or a more serious accident.

Slow Down at Dawn and Dusk: Many animals are more active during these times, so reducing speed can give you more time to react.

Scan the Road Ahead: Regularly scan both sides of the road as you drive. This helps in spotting animals before they enter the roadway.

While encountering wildlife on the road can be unpredictable, being prepared and aware can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. For more comprehensive safety tips and drivers ed courses, visit Get Drivers Ed at, or contact us at [email protected] or +1 (877) 779-3336.


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