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Become A Confident Driver With Get Drivers Ed Online

Stepping into a Car: A Beginner’s Guide


Stepping into a car for the first time can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Whether you’re a new driver or just getting back into the driver’s seat after a long time, understanding the basics of getting into and preparing to drive a car is essential. At Get Drivers Ed, we provide comprehensive driver education that covers everything from the basics to advanced driving techniques. Here’s a guide to help you step into a car with confidence and get started on your driving journey.

The First Steps: Preparing to Enter the Car

Before you even get into the car, there are a few things you should do to ensure your safety and comfort. Start by checking your surroundings. Look for any obstacles or potential hazards around the vehicle, which is especially important in busy areas or parking lots. Modern cars often come with remote keyless entry systems, so use your key fob to unlock the car doors. If your car doesn’t have this feature, use the key to manually unlock the driver’s door. When opening the car door, always use the Dutch Reach method—this means using your hand that is farthest from the door (usually your right hand) to open it. This technique forces you to turn your body and check for oncoming traffic or cyclists, ensuring you don’t inadvertently open the door into someone’s path.

Getting into the Car

Once you’ve safely opened the door, it’s time to get into the car. Sit down in the driver’s seat and swing your legs into the car. This method helps you maintain balance and control as you enter the vehicle. Proper seat adjustment is crucial for comfort and control. Adjust your seat so that you can reach the pedals comfortably while keeping a slight bend in your knees. Ensure that you have a clear view of the road and that your back is fully supported by the seat. Before starting the car, adjust your mirrors to minimize blind spots. Your rearview mirror should give you a clear view of the road behind you, while your side mirrors should show a small portion of your car and a wide view of the lanes next to you. Always fasten your seatbelt before starting the car—seatbelts are a critical safety feature that can save lives in the event of an accident.

Starting the Car

With your seat and mirrors adjusted and your seatbelt fastened, you’re ready to start the car. Depending on your car, you’ll either insert the key into the ignition and turn it or press the start button if your car has a keyless ignition system. Make sure the car is in park or neutral before starting the engine. Once the car is running, check the dashboard for any warning lights or indicators. Familiarize yourself with the various symbols and what they mean to ensure your car is ready to drive.

Driving Basics: Moving the Car

Now that you’re comfortably seated and the car is running, it’s time to start driving. If you’re driving an automatic car, shift the gear lever to drive (D). For manual cars, engage the clutch, shift into first gear, and then slowly release the clutch while pressing the accelerator. Before pulling out, use your turn signals to indicate your intentions to other drivers—this is an important habit to develop early on, as it promotes safety and communication on the road. Before moving, check your blind spots by turning your head to look over your shoulders. Mirrors can’t cover all angles, so it’s essential to physically check for any obstacles or other vehicles. Gently press the accelerator to start moving. Take it slow at first to get a feel for the car’s responsiveness. If you’re in a parking lot or driveway, navigate carefully to enter the main road.

Driving with Confidence

As you start driving, keep the following tips in mind to ensure a smooth and safe journey. Driving can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Stay calm and focused on the road, and avoid distractions such as mobile phones or loud music. Adhering to traffic rules is crucial for safe driving. Observe speed limits, stop at red lights and stop signs, and yield to pedestrians and other vehicles when necessary. Defensive driving involves anticipating potential hazards and being prepared to react. Maintain a safe following distance, be aware of other drivers’ actions, and always have an escape route in mind.


Stepping into a car and starting to drive for the first time can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with the right preparation and mindset, it becomes much more manageable. At Get Drivers Ed, we are dedicated to helping you become a confident and responsible driver through our comprehensive education programs. Ready to start your driving journey? Enroll in our comprehensive driver education courses today at Get Drivers Ed. Let us help you gain the skills and knowledge necessary for safe and confident driving.


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