Driver safely handling a car malfunction, educated by Get Drivers Ed.

What To Do When Your Car Feature Malfunctions

In the modern era of automobiles, cars are equipped with various advanced features for safety, comfort, and efficiency. However, what happens when these features malfunction? At Get Drivers Ed, we not only focus on driving skills but also on how to handle unexpected vehicle issues. Here's a guide on what to do when a car feature malfunctions.

1. Don’t Panic: Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

When a feature in your car malfunctions, the first step is to remain calm. Panic can lead to poor decision-making. Get Drivers Ed emphasizes the importance of staying composed, a crucial lesson in our driver's ed courses.

2. Safely Pull Over

If the malfunction occurs while driving, safely pull over to the side of the road. Driver’s ed teaches how to find a safe spot to stop and assess your vehicle's condition.

3. Identify the Problem

Try to identify the malfunctioning feature. Is it a warning light, strange noise, or a change in the way your car handles? Get Drivers Ed covers basic troubleshooting in our driver’s ed curriculum.

4. Consult Your Vehicle’s Manual

Your car’s manual is a valuable resource for understanding specific vehicle features and malfunctions. Driver’s ed encourages familiarizing yourself with your car’s manual for such situations.

5. Contact Roadside Assistance or a Mechanic

If you’re unable to resolve the issue, contact roadside assistance or a trusted mechanic. Get Drivers Ed recommends always having contact information for reliable automotive services.

6. Regular Maintenance Checks

Preventive maintenance can help avoid some malfunctions. Get Drivers Ed advises regular check-ups for your vehicle, a point we stress in our driver's ed courses.

At Get Drivers Ed, we believe in a holistic approach to driver's ed. Our courses not only teach you how to drive but also how to handle unexpected situations like car feature malfunctions.

For comprehensive driver's ed courses that prepare you for every aspect of driving, visit


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