Learn what to expect on your first driving lesson with GET DRIVERS ED. Our comprehensive guide prepares you for a successful start to your driving journey.

What to Expect on Your First Driving Lesson: A Student’s Guide

Starting your journey to becoming a proficient driver is an exciting step, and your first driving lesson is a crucial part of this process. Whether you’re new to driving or looking to refresh your skills, knowing what to expect can help ease any nerves and set you up for success. At GET DRIVERS ED, we are committed to providing you with a comprehensive and supportive driving education experience. Here’s a guide to help you prepare for your first driving lesson and make the most of it.

Preparing for Your First Driving Lesson

1. Understand the Basics of Your Vehicle

Before you even get behind the wheel, familiarize yourself with the basic functions of the car. Knowing where essential controls are located can make your first lesson smoother. Here’s what you should check:

Dashboard Controls: Learn about the indicators, warning lights, and essential gauges.

Mirrors and Seat Adjustment: Ensure you know how to adjust your seat and mirrors for optimal comfort and visibility.

Pedals and Gear Shift: Understand the functions of the gas, brake, and clutch pedals (if driving a manual) and the gearshift.

2. Bring Necessary Documents

For your first driving lesson with GET DRIVERS ED, make sure to bring the following:

Learner’s Permit: Ensure you have a valid learner’s permit or provisional license.

Identification: Bring any necessary identification as required by your driving school.

Comfortable Clothing: Wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes suitable for driving.

What to Expect During Your First Driving Lesson

1. Introduction and Safety Briefing

Your instructor will start with a brief introduction and safety briefing. This is an essential part of your driving education:

Meet Your Instructor: Get to know your instructor, who will guide you through the lesson and provide valuable feedback.

Safety Protocols: Learn about the safety protocols and procedures, including how to handle emergency situations and proper use of seat belts.

2. Familiarization with the Vehicle

Before you start driving, your instructor will walk you through the vehicle’s controls:

Instrument Panel: Understand how to read the dashboard and what each indicator light means.

Control Functions: Get acquainted with the steering wheel, pedals, and gearshift, as well as how to use them properly.

3. Starting Your First Drive

With the basics covered, you’ll begin your first drive. Here’s what typically happens:

Basic Maneuvers: Your instructor will guide you through basic maneuvers such as starting the vehicle, steering, braking, and accelerating.

Simple Routes: Expect to drive on simple routes with minimal traffic to help you get comfortable with handling the car.

Feedback and Tips: Your instructor will provide immediate feedback and tips to help you improve your driving skills.

4. Discussing Goals and Expectations

At the end of your lesson, you’ll discuss your progress with your instructor:

Review of the Lesson: Go over what you did well and areas where you need improvement.

Setting Goals: Discuss your goals for future lessons and any specific areas you want to focus on.

Tips for a Successful First Driving Lesson

1. Stay Calm and Relaxed

It’s natural to feel nervous, but staying calm will help you focus and learn more effectively. Remember, your instructor is there to support you.

2. Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure about something. It’s important to understand each aspect of driving fully.

3. Practice Regularly

Consistent practice is key to improving your driving skills. Schedule regular lessons with GET DRIVERS ED to build confidence and competence behind the wheel.

4. Review and Prepare

Before each lesson, review what you learned previously and prepare for new skills you’ll be tackling. This will help reinforce your knowledge and boost your confidence.


At GET DRIVERS ED, we are dedicated to providing a high-quality drivers ed experience tailored to your needs:

Experienced Instructors: Our skilled instructors are committed to helping you succeed and providing personalized feedback.

Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible scheduling options to fit your busy lifestyle.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our drivers ed program covers all essential aspects of driving to ensure you’re well-prepared for the road.


Your first driving lesson is an exciting milestone on your journey to becoming a skilled and confident driver. By understanding what to expect and preparing accordingly, you’ll set yourself up for a successful start. At GET DRIVERS ED, we’re here to support you every step of the way, from your first lesson to becoming a confident and responsible driver.

Ready to take the wheel? Enroll in GET DRIVERS ED today and start your journey towards becoming a skilled driver. Our comprehensive drivers ed program will help you build the confidence and skills you need for a safe and enjoyable driving experience.


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