A driver safely navigating a busy road, demonstrating compliance with traffic laws and safe driving practices taught by Get Drivers Ed.

Navigating the Rules: Commonly Broken Traffic Laws and How Get Drivers Ed Can Help

On the road, safety and legality go hand in hand. Despite the clarity and necessity of traffic laws, daily commutes are often peppered with violations that not only risk fines but also endanger lives. At Get Drivers Ed, we prioritize educating our students on these laws to cultivate safe, law-abiding drivers. Understanding the most commonly broken traffic laws can help drivers make better decisions that contribute to safer roads for everyone.

The Most Commonly Broken Traffic Laws

Speeding: Speeding is the most frequent traffic violation. Many drivers exceed posted speed limits or drive too fast for conditions without considering the increased risk of accidents and reduced reaction times. Speeding drastically decreases the effectiveness of occupant protection equipment and increases both the likelihood of an accident and the severity of a crash.

Failure to Use Turn Signals: Neglecting to use turn signals is a common oversight that can lead to collisions. Turn signals are vital for communicating driver intentions regarding lane changes and turns. This simple act of communication is essential for maintaining orderly traffic flow and preventing accidents.

Running Red Lights: Drivers who run red lights are often in a rush, willing to risk hefty fines and serious injuries for the sake of saving a minute or two. This behavior not only endangers the driver but also other road users who expect right-of-way adherence.

Texting While Driving: Despite widespread bans and awareness campaigns, texting while driving remains a prevalent issue. This form of distracted driving significantly increases the chance of collision, comparable to driving with a significant blood alcohol content level.

Not Wearing Seatbelts:The failure to wear seatbelts is another common legal violation. Seatbelts are a proven lifesaver in crashes, yet some drivers and passengers still ignore this basic safety measure, often leading to severe consequences in accidents.

Driving Under the Influence

Alcohol and drugs impair cognitive and motor functions necessary for safe driving. Driving under the influence is not only illegal but also extremely dangerous, yet it continues to be a cause of many fatal road incidents.

How Get Drivers Ed Addresses These Issues

Comprehensive Education

 At Get Drivers Ed, we cover all aspects of safe driving in our courses. We emphasize the importance of obeying traffic laws, the reasoning behind them, and the consequences of non-compliance.

Practical Training

Our practical lessons incorporate scenarios that mimic real-life situations, helping students understand the importance of traffic laws and the best practices for safe driving.

Focus on Defensive Driving

We teach defensive driving techniques to prepare our students for unexpected situations on the road, including how to react to others who may be breaking traffic laws.

Technology and Simulation

Using the latest technology, we simulate driving conditions where students can experience the dangers of common law violations in a controlled environment, enhancing their understanding and compliance.


Understanding and adhering to traffic laws is not just about avoiding fines—it’s about ensuring the safety of yourself and others on the road. At Get Drivers Ed, we are committed to providing top-tier education to foster responsible, knowledgeable drivers. Enroll in our https://getdriversed.com/contexts/online today to learn the essentials of road safety and traffic law compliance. Drive safe, drive smart, and remember, a well-informed driver is a safe driver.


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