Parent-Taught Drivers Education Driving Hours Cheat Sheet

Learning to drive is an exciting milestone in any teenager's life. For many, the path to obtaining a driver's license involves participating in a Parent-Taught Drivers Education (PTDE) program. In Texas, this program allows parents or guardians to serve as the primary driving instructor. However, ensuring that all required driving hours are met can be a challenge. Here's a cheat sheet to help navigate the PTDE driving hours effectively.

1. Understand the Requirements

Before diving into the driving lessons, it's crucial to understand Texas's driving hours requirements:

  • Daytime Driving: A minimum of 20 hours of behind-the-wheel practice during daylight

  • Nighttime Driving: At least 10 hours of driving practice at night.

These hours are in addition to the time spent in the classroom component of driver education.

2. Logbook is Your Best Friend

Maintain an official logbook of the hours driven. Whether you choose a physical notebook or a digital app, this log will serve as your official record, and you'll present it when your teen applies for their driver's license.

3. Break it Down

Instead of looking at the total driving hours as a daunting task, break it down:

  • Aim for 2-3 daytime hours per week to meet the 20-hour requirement in approximately 2 months.

  • For nighttime hours, 1-2 hours per week will help meet the goal in 2-3 months.

4. Vary the Driving Environment

Ensure that driving practice occurs in a variety of environments:

  • Residential areas to practice navigating intersections and yielding to pedestrians.

  • Highways and freeways for high-speed lane management and merging skills.

  • Parking lots for parking and backing up.

5. Weather Matters

While it's tempting to only practice driving in perfect conditions, ensure your teen gets experience in different weather scenarios: rain, fog, or even light snow, as it's essential for building confidence and skills.

6. Review and Reflect

After each driving session, spend a few minutes discussing:

  • What went well during the drive?

  • What areas need improvement?

  • Any specific challenges faced and how to overcome them next time

7. Safety First

Always ensure:

  • Both students and instructors wear seatbelts.

  • The car is in good working condition.

  • Distractions are minimized; phones should be kept away, and the focus should be solely on driving.

With proper planning, completing the PTDE driving hours can be an enriching and effective learning experience. Parents and guardians have a unique opportunity to shape the driving habits and skills of their teens. 

Learn More with Online Courses

If you're looking for structured, detailed, and interactive drivers education, check out our online courses at We provide all the resources you need to ensure your teen is road-ready and confident. Register today and embark on a safe driving journey!


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