Comparison between parent-taught and instructor-taught drivers ed programs.

Parent-Taught vs. Instructor-Taught Drivers Ed: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Teen’s Success

Parent-Taught vs. Instructor-Taught Drivers Ed: Which is Right for Your Teen?

Choosing the right drivers ed program for your teen is an important decision that can significantly impact their driving skills and safety. With various options available, two of the most popular choices are parent-taught and instructor-taught drivers ed. Both methods have their own unique advantages and considerations. At Get Drivers Ed, we offer comprehensive courses that cater to both methods, ensuring your teen receives the best possible education. Let's explore the differences between parent-taught and instructor-taught drivers to help you determine which is right for your teen.

Parent-Taught Drivers Ed

Flexibility and Convenience 

Parent-taught drivers ed offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing parents to tailor the learning experience to their teen's schedule. This method can be particularly beneficial for families with busy or unconventional schedules.

  • Personalized Scheduling: Lessons can be scheduled around your teen’s school, extracurricular activities, and family commitments. 

  • One-on-One Attention: Parents can provide individualized instruction, focusing on areas where their teen needs the most improvement. 


Parent-taught drivers ed is often more affordable than instructor-taught programs. By eliminating the cost of professional driving lessons, families can save a significant amount of money.

  • Lower Costs: Save on the expenses associated with professional driving schools. 

  • Utilize Existing Resources: Parents can use their own vehicles and teaching materials, further reducing costs. 

Stronger Bonding

Teaching your teen to drive can strengthen the parent-child relationship. Sharing this learning experience can create lasting memories and foster trust and communication.

  • Enhanced Bonding: Spend quality time together while teaching important life skills. Better Understanding: Parents gain insight into their teen's learning style and progress. 

Instructor-Taught Drivers Ed 

Professional Expertise 

Instructor-taught drivers ed provides access to professional instructors who are trained in the latest driving techniques and safety practices. This can be particularly advantageous for teens who may benefit from expert guidance.

  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from certified professionals with extensive knowledge of traffic laws and driving skills. 

  • Structured Curriculum: Follow a standardized curriculum that ensures comprehensive coverage of essential driving topics. 

Immediate Feedback 

Professional instructors can provide immediate, constructive feedback, helping teens to quickly correct mistakes and develop safe driving habits.

  • Real-Time Corrections: Instructors can address and rectify driving errors on the spot. 

  • Expert Insights: Gain valuable tips and strategies from experienced instructors. 

Reduced Stress for Parents 

For parents who may feel anxious about teaching their teen to drive, instructor-taught drivers ed offers peace of mind. Professional instructors handle the driving lessons, allowing parents to take a supportive but less hands-on role.

  • Less Pressure: Parents can avoid the stress and responsibility of teaching their teen to drive.

  • Supportive Role: Focus on providing emotional support and encouragement rather than direct instruction. 

Which Is Right for Your Teen? 

The decision between parent-taught and instructor-taught drivers depends on various factors, including your family's schedule, budget, and your teen's learning style. Here are some considerations to help you make the right choice:

Assess Your Teen’s Learning Style 

  • Independent Learners: If your teen thrives with self-paced, personalized instruction, parent-taught drivers ed may be ideal. 

  • Structured Learners: If your teen benefits from structured lessons and professional guidance, instructor-taught drivers ed might be the better option. 

Evaluate Your Availability 

  • Flexible Schedules: If your family's schedule allows for flexible lesson times, parent-taught drivers ed offers the convenience of adapting to your needs. 

  • Busy Schedules: If you have a busy schedule or prefer professional instruction, instructor-taught drivers ed provides a structured and consistent approach. 

Consider Your Comfort Level


  • Confident Teaching: If you feel confident in your ability to teach driving skills and safety, parent-taught drivers ed can be a rewarding experience. 

  • Professional Guidance: If you prefer expert instruction and feedback, instructor-taught drivers ed ensures your teen learns from trained professionals. 


Choosing between parent-taught and instructor-taught drivers depends on your teen's learning preferences, your family's schedule, and your comfort level with teaching driving skills. Both methods offer unique advantages and can effectively prepare your teen for safe driving. At Get Drivers Ed, we provide comprehensive courses that cater to both parent-taught and instructor-taught drivers ed, ensuring your teen receives the best possible education.

Ready to start your teen's driving journey? Enroll in our online drivers ed program at Get Drivers Ed today. Whether you choose parent-taught or instructor-taught, we are here to support your teen every step of the way.


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