A vigilant driver practicing defensive driving techniques from Get Drivers Ed's "drivers ed" program

Road Safety Essentials: Safe Driving Tips with Defensive Driving

Road safety is paramount, and at Get Drivers Ed, we champion defensive driving as the backbone of our "drivers ed" curriculum. Defensive driving equips you with the skills and mindset to drive safely, responsibly, and proactively. Here are some defensive driving tips that could one day save your life:

1. Stay Focused: Distractions are everywhere. Commit to keeping your phone out of reach, your eyes on the road, and your mind on driving. Get Drivers Ed's "drivers ed" courses teach techniques to stay alert and attentive.

2. Keep Your Distance: Maintain a safe following distance. We recommend at least a three-second gap between your car and the vehicle in front, allowing ample time to react.

3. Be Predictable: Use your indicators, make smooth and controlled movements, and abide by traffic laws. Predictability makes it easier for others to understand your intentions, reducing the chance of accidents.

4. Scan the Road: Constantly scan your surroundings, including blind spots and crosswalks. Anticipating hazards allows for timely reactions.

5. Adjust for Weather: Bad weather means slippery roads and reduced visibility. Slow down, increase your following distance, and use your lights as taught in Get Drivers Ed's "drivers ed" classes.

Remember, defensive driving is not just about protecting yourself; it's about contributing to the overall safety of everyone on the road.

For drivers looking to refine their skills, Get Drivers Ed offers comprehensive online "drivers ed" courses. To start learning or to enhance your road safety knowledge, visit Get Drivers Ed Online Courses.


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