Safe GPS Mounting Techniques Demonstrated by Get Drivers Ed

Safe GPS Usage On The Road: Tips From Get Drivers Ed


In the age of technology, GPS has become an indispensable tool for drivers. However, safe usage of GPS is crucial, especially for those new to driving. At Get Drivers Ed, we emphasize the importance of integrating technology safely into driving practices. This blog will offer essential tips for using GPS safely on the road, aligning with our drivers ed curriculum.

1. Pre-Trip Planning: Before you start your journey, use your GPS to plan the route. This practice, often highlighted in our Get Drivers Ed courses, helps in understanding the route beforehand and reduces distractions while driving.

2. Voice Guidance Over Visuals: Opt for voice-guided navigation. Our drivers ed program at Get Drivers Ed recommends using audio prompts from your GPS to avoid taking your eyes off the road.

3. Mount Your Device Properly: Secure your GPS device in a position where it is visible without obstructing your view. At Get Drivers Ed, we stress the importance of proper device placement for safe driving.

4. Update Your GPS Regularly: Ensure your GPS software and maps are up-to-date. In our Get Drivers Ed courses, we teach the significance of current information for accurate navigation.

5. Avoid Programming While Driving: Never program your GPS while the vehicle is in motion. As taught in Get Drivers Ed's drivers education, pull over safely if you need to change your destination or settings.

6. Know Your Route Basics: While GPS is helpful, having basic knowledge of your route is essential. We encourage this practice in our Get Drivers Ed online courses, promoting a balance between technology and traditional navigation skills.

7. Stay Alert: Remember, GPS is a tool, not a replacement for your judgment. Our drivers ed courses at Get Drivers Ed always emphasize staying alert and aware of your surroundings.


By following these tips, you can use GPS technology safely and effectively on the road. For more comprehensive guidance and best practices in driving, enroll in our online drivers ed courses at Get Drivers Ed. Visit to start your journey towards becoming a safe and confident driver with the latest technology at your fingertips.


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