There are multiple reasons why drivers and passengers alike should wear seat belts. These five reasons demonstrate the importance of wearing a seat belt:

Secures You in Position

If your car begins to skid or spin, your seat belt will hold you in the ideal position to take evasive action. Drivers who do not buckle up are more likely to lose control of their vehicles and crash.

Prevents Ejection

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, fatalities are more common in accidents when someone is ejected from the vehicle. Your seat belt will keep you inside your car and increase your odds of surviving a crash.

Distributes Impact Force

Your lap and shoulder belt will distribute the impact of the force over the strongest parts of your body. This is less likely to cause an injury than a concentrated impact on your head, chest, or abdomen, which is likely to happen if you are unrestrained.

Helps Your Body Match the Speed of Your Vehicle

If you are not buckled up, your body will continue moving at the same speed as your vehicle after the impact. Depending on the nature of your crash, you could hit the steering wheel, dashboard, or side window if you are not buckled up. Wearing a seat belt keeps you secured to your seat so your body also slows if your car stops suddenly.

Protects Your Brain and Spine

Hitting your head in a crash is likely to cause brain injuries. These can range in severity from minor concussions to potentially fatal coup-contrecoup and diffuse axonal injuries.

Your spine is also at risk. Even a minor injury to your spinal cord can be devastating. The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation estimates that a partial loss of motor function could increase your cost of living to $347,484 for the first year of treatment and $42,206 for each subsequent year.

How Many Lives Do Seat Belts Save?

In 2019, over 22,000 people were killed in car wrecks. Nearly half of those vehicle occupants were not wearing their seat belts. More people might have survived car accidents if they had all used seat belts. The 2021 death toll of 4,489 was an increase of 15.22% from the 3,896 deaths recorded in 2020. Texas in 2021 with 19,448 people sustaining a serious injury..

Wearing a seat belt can reduce the risk of serious injuries by 50%. Seat belt use reduces accident fatalities by 45%. This equates to an average of 15,000 lives saved by seat belts every year.


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