"Parent teaching teen to drive versus professional instructor teaching teen in a car"

What Are The Differences Between Parent-Taught And Instructor-Taught Drivers Ed?

The Difference Between Teen Drivers Parent Taught and Teen Drivers Ed Instructor Taught

Learning to drive is a significant milestone in a teenager's life, and choosing the right method of driver education is crucial. Parents often find themselves deciding between parent-taught driver education and instructor-taught driver education for their teens. Each approach has its advantages and challenges. At Get Drivers Ed, we understand the importance of making an informed decision to ensure your teen becomes a safe and confident driver.

Parent-Taught Driver Education

Parent-taught driver education involves the parent taking on the role of the driving instructor. This method allows for a more flexible and personalized approach to learning. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Flexibility and Convenience

One of the main benefits of parent-taught drivers ed is the flexibility it offers. Parents can schedule driving lessons around their family's busy schedules, making it easier to find time for practice. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for families with varying commitments and time constraints.

  • Personalized Instruction

Parents can tailor the driving lessons to their teen's learning pace and specific needs. This personalized instruction can help address areas where the teen may need extra practice and provide a comfortable learning environment. At Get Drivers Ed, we provide resources to help parents effectively teach their teens, ensuring they cover all necessary topics


  • Cost-Effective

Parent-taught drivers ed can be more cost-effective than instructor-taught programs. Families can save money on professional driving lessons while still providing quality education. Get Drivers Ed offers affordable parent-taught driver education courses that include comprehensive materials and guidelines.

  • Challenges of Parent-Taught Drivers Ed

Despite its benefits, parent-taught drivers can present challenges. Not all parents are comfortable or knowledgeable enough to teach driving skills effectively. Additionally, the emotional dynamics between parent and teen can sometimes make the learning process stressful. Get Drivers Ed provides support to help parents overcome these challenges and ensure their teen receives a thorough education.

Instructor-Taught Driver Education

Instructor-taught driver education involves professional driving instructors teaching teens how to drive. This method is often seen as more structured and formal. Here are some advantages of instructor-taught drivers ed:

  • Professional Expertise

Professional driving instructors have extensive knowledge and experience in teaching driving skills. They are trained to handle various learning styles and can provide expert guidance on safe driving practices. At Get Drivers Ed, our instructors are highly qualified and committed to providing top-notch education.

  • Structured Curriculum

Instructor-taught programs follow a structured curriculum that covers all essential aspects of driving, from basic maneuvers to advanced defensive driving techniques. This structured approach ensures that no critical topics are overlooked. Get Drivers Ed offers comprehensive courses designed to meet state requirements and prepare teens for their driving test.

  • Objective Feedback

Instructors can provide objective feedback that is free from the emotional dynamics often present in parent-taught settings. This feedback can help teens improve their skills more effectively. Our instructors at Get Drivers Ed use proven methods to assess and enhance each student's driving abilities.

  • Preparation for Real-World Scenarios

Professional instructors can expose teens to a variety of driving situations and environments, better preparing them for real-world driving. This diverse experience is crucial for developing confident and competent drivers. Get Drivers Ed's courses include practical driving lessons that cover various road conditions and traffic scenarios.

Making the Right Choice for Your Teen

Deciding between parent-taught and instructor-taught drivers depends on your family's needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Your Comfort Level

Consider your comfort level with teaching driving skills. If you feel confident and knowledgeable, parent-taught drivers ed could be a good fit. However, if you prefer professional guidance, instructor-taught drivers ed may be the better option.

  • Your Teen's Learning Style

Think about your teen's learning style and needs. Some teens may benefit from the personalized approach of parent-taught drivers ed, while others may thrive under the structured environment of instructor-taught programs.

  • Time and Financial Considerations

Evaluate your family's schedule and budget. Parent-taught drivers ed offers flexibility and cost savings, while instructor-taught programs provide structured learning and professional expertise.

How Get Drivers Ed Can Help

At Get Drivers Ed, we offer both parent-taught and instructor-taught driver education programs to cater to your needs. Our courses are designed to provide comprehensive education, whether you choose to teach your teen yourself or rely on our professional instructors.

  • Parent-Taught Drivers Ed: Our parent-taught courses include detailed lesson plans, instructional videos, and resources to guide you through the teaching process. We ensure you have all the tools needed to provide effective driver education.

  • Instructor-Taught Drivers Ed: Our instructor-taught programs feature experienced instructors, a structured curriculum, and practical driving sessions. We prepare your teen for the driving test and real-world driving scenarios.


Choosing the right method of driver education is crucial for your teen's safety and confidence on the road. Both parent-taught and instructor-taught drivers have their advantages, and the best choice depends on your family's needs. At Get Drivers Ed, we are committed to providing the highest quality driver education, whether you choose to teach your teen yourself or opt for professional instruction.

Ready to get started? Enroll in our comprehensive driver education courses today at Get Drivers Ed. Let us help you ensure your teen becomes a responsible and skilled driver.


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