Become a Bus Driver

What It Takes to Become a Bus Driver

You’re looking for a stable career, one that will teach you skills that will always be needed, skills that you can make use of to provide for your family. You’re looking for a career that pays well. You’re looking for a career that’s fulfilling, that’s more than sitting behind a computer all day and more than serving meals for ungrateful customers.

We at American Student Transportation Services have good news for you: You’ll find all these and more when you sign on with us! Working with us comes with a plethora of perks for new employees and continuing workers alike.

Make A Sign-On Bonus & Industry-Competitive Pay

As a top-notch school bus contractor, we believe our skilled employees deserve to be compensated fairly for their work. When you sign on with American Student Transportation Services, you’ll get a bonus simply for agreeing to work for us, and you’ll also make pay that firmly adheres to industry standards.

Start Earning Right Away With Paid Training

That’s right, we’ll teach you how to become a bus driver. Plus, we’ll pay you for it! It’s just our way of helping promising talent into the industry!

So many job-seekers who would be awesome as bus drivers simply become overwhelmed by the on-boarding (no pun intended) process, they struggle to understand a complicated licensing process, or they just don’t have the monetary resources to set aside time to hone their fledgling driving skills. American Student Transportation Services makes learning how to become a bus driver easy with paid training, plus instruction from the pros.

Do A Job That Truly Matters

Working with a student transportation services provider is more than driving laps around the same route. It’s providing a safe space for children to decompress after a long school day, or to prepare their minds for the long periods of instruction ahead. You’ll play an integral and direct role in the academic success and the emotional health of students in your community.

As you can see, a job with American Student Transportation Services is more than just a way to make money – though that’s certainly a benefit! It’s a way to get involved in your community and make an impact where it matters. If you’re looking for a great way to cover your bills and become part of something bigger than yourself, well, you’ve found it.

What Do I Need To Learn To Become A Bus Driver?

Hold up a second, you might be thinking—what are the qualifications for such a great job? Certainly, no respectable school bus contractor sticks just anyone behind the wheel!

Indeed, you’d be right that there are prerequisites. To become a bus driver, one must follow a process that involves licensure and cannot be circumnavigated. As school bus contractors, we appreciate this process for what it does: Keep students and drivers alike safe by providing the latter with the knowledge base they need to succeed.

However, we know that it can be complicated to do on one’s own, so our paid training program covers absolutely everything you need to know. When you work for us, learning how to become a bus driver is straightforward and simple, so don’t worry about hitting the books before you sign on. We’ve got you covered!

Great bus drivers, though, also have relevant personal attributes that help them on the road (again, no pun intended) to success. Relax, though—if you don’t yet possess these qualities, we’ll help you cultivate them while you train.

Becoming A Bus Driver Takes Patience

From working with children to driving on slick roads to studying for your class B CDL, working for student transportation services does require a fair deal of patience. But good things come to those who learn to wait!


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