Class Details

6-Hour Behind-The-Wheel-Lessons

$355.00 - $580.00

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6 Hour Behind The Wheel Lessons
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$355.00 - $580.00

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Course Description

Our Certified 6-Hour Behind-the-Wheel Defensive Driver's Education Course offers a structured driver's education program for new drivers. The course comprises three sessions, each lasting 2 hours, allowing new drivers to build their skills progressively. They will start with fundamental driving skills, advance to more complex driving techniques, and conclude with advanced skills training.

Structure of this 6-Hour-Behind-the-Wheel Course

Our certified instructors conduct lessons using official Texas Department Certified Driver's Education Vehicles. These vehicles are visibly marked and equipped with a supplementary brake system.

First Lesson: Basic Skills

Lesson #1 of the Behind-the-Wheel instruction commences with the initial approach to the vehicle. New drivers will be instructed on how to identify potential hazards in the immediate vicinity and conduct a brief visual examination of the vehicle itself. In addition to familiarizing themselves with the vehicle's controls, students will gain an understanding of when and how to employ them effectively. This lesson unfolds on local roads with lower traffic volume, facilitating learning in areas such as vehicle handling, navigating curves and turns, smooth braking and acceleration, maintaining proper spacing, consistent speed, optimal lane positioning, eye positioning and tracking, and more. The lesson introduces new drivers to defensive driving techniques that equip them with the knowledge and confidence needed to minimize accident risks, ensuring their safe return home.

Second Lesson: Advanced Skills

During Lesson #2 of the Behind-the-Wheel instruction, students will navigate highways and urban roads. Building upon the skills acquired in the previous lesson, they will gain proficiency in handling higher traffic volumes on city streets and highways. This lesson focuses on safe driving at elevated speeds, lane changes, merging, identifying blind spots, and recognizing pedestrian activity. Moreover, students will learn to navigate intricate intersections and share the road with large commercial vehicles, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of complex traffic scenarios.

Third Lesson: Finishing Skills

Lesson #3 of the Behind-the-Wheel instruction occurs on roads resembling those found at the testing location, including a designated parking lot where students can practice parallel parking. Building on the skills acquired in prior lessons, students will be trained in parallel parking, reversing, maneuvering in and out of parking spaces, executing U-turns, K-turns, and a comprehensive review of all aspects that will be assessed during the Driver's License Exam.

Eligibility Criteria Needed to Enroll 6 Hour Driving Course in Texas

Age Requirement

In Texas, individuals must be at least 15 years old to be eligible for the 6-hour course.

Learner's Permit 

Typically, to enroll in a 6-hour behind-the-wheel course, you must have already obtained a Texas learner's permit (also known as a learner's license) from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). A learner's permit is generally issued to individuals who are at least 15 years of age and have passed the written knowledge test.

Parental or Guardian Consent

For individuals under 18 years of age, parental or guardian consent may be required to enroll in a driver's education course.

Health Requirements

There are no specific health requirements to enroll in the course. However, to obtain a driver's license, you will need to meet the medical standards set by the Texas DPS.

Things You Miss Out If You Don’t Complete This Course

Ineligibility for a Driver's License

In many places, completion of a driver's education program, including the behind-the-wheel course, is a requirement for obtaining a driver's license. Failure to complete the course may render you ineligible to proceed with the licensing process.

Delay in Obtaining a Driver's License

Without fulfilling the mandatory behind-the-wheel course, you may experience delays in obtaining your driver's license. It is often a prerequisite for taking the driving test and obtaining the necessary certification.

Legal Compliance Issues

Not completing the required driver's education courses may result in legal compliance issues. Driving without the necessary training may lead to penalties, fines, or other legal consequences.

Limited Confidence

Completing the 6-hour behind-the-wheel course contributes to building confidence in new drivers. Skipping this course may result in a lack of confidence and comfort when facing real-world driving situations.


What is the purpose of the 6-Hour Behind-The-Wheel Lessons?

This 6-hour driving course for adults aims to provide drivers with practical driving experience, essential skills, and knowledge to safely navigate roads and prepare for the driving test.

How do I enroll in the 6-Hour Behind-The-Wheel Lessons in Texas? 

To enroll, you typically need to have a learner's permit, meet any age requirements, and register with an approved driving school offering the 6-hour course. Contact the driving school directly for specific enrollment procedures.

Can I take the 6-Hour Lessons even if I already have driving experience?

Yes, individuals with some driving experience may still benefit from the lessons, especially if they are preparing for the driving test or want to enhance specific skills.

Do I need my own vehicle for the lessons?

Driving schools must provide the vehicle for behind-the-wheel lessons.

Will completion of the 6-Hour Lessons automatically qualify me for a driver's license?

Completion of the 6-hour adult driving course is a prerequisite for obtaining a driver's license, but additional requirements, such as passing the written and road tests, must be fulfilled.

Course Curriculum