
Requirements To Be An Eligible Parent Taught

The DPS will determine if you are eligible for the parent-taught program. You will need to bring the Parent Taught Driver Education Instructor Designation Form with you to the DPS when acquiring the learner's permit.

You must meet all of the following criteria for the parent-taught program:
Eligible individuals for the parent-taught program are: Parent, Step-Parent, Grandparent, and/or legal guardian
Must have a clean record of driving while intoxicated in the past 7 years old.
Have not had a ticket in the past 3 years.
Have held a valid Texas driver's license in the past 3 years.
If you have had a driver's license in the past 3 years but in another state, you will be responsible to find your driver's record from that state for the DPS to approve you for the parent-taught program.